In line with DFE guidance, we are currently consulting on changes to our admissions policy. The consultation will run until 29th January 2021. If you have a comment please see details below.
The attached policy will replace the existing admissions policy and bring DAA in line with other Aldridge academies.
This consultation follows the procedure set by the Admissions Code 2014 (‘The Code’) and gives the local community the opportunity to provide their views on these proposed admission arrangements.
This consultation relates to proposed clarification and amendment of the following issues.
- The revised policy clarifies that Aldridge Education Multi-Academy Trust is the admissions authority for Duke’s Aldridge Academy, and co-ordinates with Haringey Local Authority for the administration of admissions applications. In common with Aldridge Education’s ethos of working closely with all local schools for the benefit of the community, since opening, Duke’s Aldridge Academy has chosen to operate under the Haringey Local Authority’s schools’ admissions process for secondary schools and with parents applying for a school place through the Haringey Local Authority.
- It updates –
- the details for any consultation of changes to the admission code to bring the policy in line with section 1.42 and 1.43 of the DFE admissions code.
- the timeframe for the determination of and representation about the admissions
arrangements to be set so they are in line with section 1.46 and section 1.50 of the DFE admissions code. - the oversubscription criteria to replace references to Statements of SEN with reference to Education and Health Care Plan.
- the oversubscription criteria to: (i) update the definition of sibling to adopt the same definition as the Haringey Admissions Guidance (ii) include criteria for the children of staff recruited to a post of demonstrable skills shortage and (iii) Children of staff who have been in post for two or more years.
- It amends the time period for the operation of a waiting list.
- It makes clear the arrangement for admission of children out of normal age group in line with the admissions arrangements used by Haringey Council.
We are keen to hear views from the local community who are likely to be affected by the proposed changes and are consulting interested parties in accordance with the Admissions Code.
For schools, if appropriate and by whatever means you feel most suitable, please make the parents/carers of children in your school aware that this consultation is taking place.
The statutory consultation period will run from Monday 14 December 2020 to Friday 29 January 2021.
Please send any responses to or by letter to the school address, Duke’s Aldridge Academy, Trulock Road, Tottenham, N17 0PG, labelled Admission Consultation.