Good News from Duke’s – 12th July 2024

Activities Week 2024

We’ve had an incredibly busy week at Duke’s this week. Our Activities Week has seen students engaging in a huge variety of activities, trips, workshops and our very first Culture Day!


We’ve had trips out to Horizon 22, the Science Museum, the Bank of England, Harry Potter Studios, Microsoft, Cineworld, London Zoo and a walking tour of London (to name but a few).  


Students have also been engaging in lots of fun and exciting activities in school with Dance workshops, website building, clay modelling, willow artwork, maths challenges, charity drives, protest writing workshops and escape rooms all happening on site.


The week ended with our first ever ‘Culture Day’ – which was a chance for our students to celebrate culture and diversity – it was amazing to see such wonderfully vibrant clothes and costumes around the school. Our students have been wanting a day to celebrate culture for some time and this was a real chance for us to celebrate together as a community.

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