Haringey Safeguarding Services Children’s Social Care Haringey Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH): 020 8489 4470 Emergency Out of Hours Duty Team (5pm – 9am weekdays and weekends): 020 8489 0000 Child Protection Advisors: 020 8489 2126 Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO): 020 8489 2968 Haringey Fostering Service 020 8690 or 0800 112 3644 Haringey Adoption Team 020 8489 4610 Disabled Children’s Team (external link): 020 8489 3671 or 3672 Children in Care: Leaving care (external link): 020 8489 5800 Virtual School for Children in Care 020 8489 3767 Prevent Elvan Asutay, Prevent Lead: prevent@haringey.gov.uk Haringey Safeguarding Children’ Partnership For HSCP Enquiries, please email: hscp@haringey.gov.uk Haringey Safeguarding Children Partnership 5th Floor, 48 Station Road Wood Green London N22 7TY Metropolitan Police Haringey Borough Police (external link) Child Abuse Investigation Team: 020 8345 2246 Control Room (Reporting Missing Children): 020 8345 1212 Emergencies: 999 Health Services NHS Haringey Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) Designated Nurse for Child Protection: 0203 3688 2703 Designated Doctor for Child Protection: 020 7405 9200 ext 5137 / 07795 665 706 Named Nurse for Primary Care: 020 3688 2751 / 07538 509 596 North Middlesex University Hospital Named Doctor for Child Protection: 020 8887 2945 Named Nurse for Child Protection: 020 8887 4093 Named Midwife for Child Protection: 020 8887 4412 Out of Hours – Paediatric Registrar: 020 8887 2000 – bleep 195 Whittington Health Named Doctor for Child Protection (Whittington Hospital): 020 7272 3070 bleep 2636 Lead Nurse for Child Protection (Whittington Hospital): 020 7288 5472 / 07884 187 592 Named Midwife: 07876 390 586 Named Nurse Haringey Community: 020 8489 3066 / 07970 269 536 Designated Nurse for Children in Care: 020 3074 2800 Barnet, Enfield & Haringey Mental Health Trust Child Protection Lead Nurse: 020 8442 5691 / 07753 579 198 Named Doctor for Child Protection: 020 8442 6867 Schools, Children’s Centres & Education Support Childcare & Early Years (external link): 020 8489 1000 Admissions Team (external link): 020 8489 3338 Education Welfare (external link): 020 8489 3866 Special Educational Needs (external link): 020 8489 1913 List of Children’s Centres (external link) List of Primary Schools (external link) List of Secondary Schools (external link) Family Information Service Directory (external link) Youth Services Youth Space: 020 8493 5006 Alcohol & Drug Support Narcotics Anonymous (external link): 0300 999 1212 Alcoholics Anonymous (external link): 0845 769 7555 Haringey Advisory Group on Alcohol (HAGA) (external link): 020 8801 3999 Drug Advisory Service for Haringey (DASH) (external link): 020 8826 2400 Bringing Unity Back Into The Community (BUBIC) (external link): 020 8808 6550 Domestic Abuse Support National Domestic Violence Helpline (external link): 0808 2000 247 (24 hrs) Haringey Police Community Safety Unit (external link): 020 8345 1941 Haringey Victim Support (external link): 020 8888 9878 Hearthstone – Haringey Domestic Violence Advice & Support Centre (external link): 020 8888 5362 Monday to Friday 10am – 4pm Emergencies: 999 Young Carers Support Haringey Young Carers’ Support: 020 8489 4894