Governance Information

The governing body has been reconstituted at a smaller size in line with the new Government guidance to ensure it has the range of skills it needs and can be cohesive and dynamic.  It is a combination of former governors and new governors selected for their skills, knowledge and experience.  It includes governors representative of the parents and staff.

The governing body are charged with driving up academy and student performance and ensuring that resources are used well to give every child the best possible education.  Its prime purpose in law is therefore to conduct the academy with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement at the academy.

Its core functions are defined as:

  • ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  • holding the principal to account for the educational performance of the academy and its students, and the performance management of staff
  • overseeing the financial performance of the academy and making sure its money is well spent

The governing body normally meets 6 times a year.


Contacting the Governors 

All correspondence to members of the Governing Body should be addressed to them at:
Duke’s Aldridge Academy, Trulock Road, Tottenham, London, N17 0PG

If you wish to email the Chair of Governors, Stephanie Tyler, email

Governing Body Members

Governor NameType of Governor / Appointed byDate of appointmentTerm of office Attendance at 2023-24 meetings
Declared Business and Pecuniary Interests
Date of Declaration
Sandrine PaillasseTrust29/1/2029/1/20 – 28/1/244 of 5Employment: School counsellor at the International School of Paris, France
Charity Trustee: Bute House School, Hammersmith, London since March 2023
Adam WatkinTrust8/10/198/10/19 – 7/10/275 of 5Employment: Head of Strategic Planning, Department for Business and Trade, UK Civil Service23/9/24
Stephanie TyrerTrust / Chair 17/1/1917/1/19 – 15/1/275 out of 5None26/9/24
Antonio MaizeParent29/3/2229/3/22 – 28/3/265 out of 5Employment: Development Chef, Caterlink30/9/24
Catherine WilliamsTrust 28/11/2228/11/22 – 27/11/265 of 5Employment: Vale School, Trulock Road, N17 0PG11/9/24
Olukemi DohertyParent 14/11/2214/11/22 – 13/11/265 of 5Employment: Civil Servant – Ministry of Defence, Whitehall9/9/24
Maria ChristopherStaff 15/11/22 14/11/22 – 13/11/264 of 5None2/10/24
Jonathan LewisTrust26/9/2326/9/23 – 25/9/272 of 5Employment:
Director, I-media, Director
Business interests:
I-media, 3rd Floor, Whitfield Court, 30-32 Whitfield Street, London, W1T 2RQ
Company Directorships:
1) I-media, 3rd Floor, Whitfield Court, 30-32 Whitfield Street, London, W1T 2RQ
2) Viral Tribe Entertainment Ltd, 1-2 Hatfields, Cargo Works, London, England, SE1 9PG

Governors who have left office in the last 12 months

Governor Name
Type of Governor / Appointed byDate of AppointmentTerm of office Attendance to meetings
Olu KubwezaEx Officio
Rebecca LeakeTrust4/10/224/10/22 – 1/8/241 of 5
Monica DuncanEx Officio
1/1/091/1/09 – 31/8/245 of 5

As a member of the Aldridge Education family of schools, our Local Governing Committee is part of the overall governance structure of the multi-academy trust.  Please see the Aldridge Education website for further information on Governing Policies and Accountability – here