Principal’s Welcome

“Duke’s Aldridge Academy continues to be a good school” – Ofsted Inspection, Nov’ 2019

A warm welcome on behalf of the students, staff and governors to our website which we endeavour to update regularly. I hope you find the website informative and user friendly as a vehicle for finding out about Duke’s Aldridge Academy.

We are a lively co-educational, multi ethnic academy based in North London. Our students are highly aspirational, engaging, interesting and key learners.

Our school motto is: Inspire to Excel

Our motto is transmitted through staff and governors helping our students to develop their capacity and potential to exceed in their academic and social skills development in an engaging and safe learning environment.

Character education i.e. the qualities of tolerance, optimism, perseverance, respect, integrity, resilience, confidence, community spirit, self-discipline and courtesy prepares our students for life beyond school. We are clear that these qualities are essential for a successful and productive life as an active citizen now and in the future.

Our academy is committed to helping young people develop such qualities as they underpin our belief that the role of a school – together all families and the wider community – is to support the development of well-rounded young adults.

The Governors and staff here at Duke’s Aldridge Academy work hard to ensure that our students receive an outstanding educational experience, which will open doors and pathways once they leave the school at 16.

Should you not find what you are looking for or require further information please do not hesitate to contact me or come and visit the academy and see for yourself the great academy we are all proud of.

Thank you for visiting our website.

NB: If requested, we will provide a paper copy of the information on our website, free of charge. Please contact: Ulynda Japaul on


Moira Green
Executive Principal