Good News from Duke’s – 6th December 2024

Jack Petchey Speak Out Challenge 

Our Jack Petchey Speak Out challenge finalists presented their final speeches in assemblies this week to a packed house of peers. Mariam, Alexandra, Ezra and Roj were all excellent. It’s a very hard thing to do to stand up in front of a peer group to speak. They are all deserving of our praise. The Winner will be announced next week and will go on to the Regional Final at Mulberry Woodside in February. Good luck and well done to all!


Stubbers Activity Centre 

Our year 11 PE groups took an action packed trip to Stubbers outdoor activity centre this week. Canoeing, climbing and archery were the order of the day with the students having an amazing time in the great outdoors. Mr Green and the rest of the PE department worked incredibly hard to make the trip a success. After a very early start the students really enjoyed themselves and learnt an awful lot!
























Ex-Year 11 Certificate Evening

We were delighted to welcome back our ex-year 11 pupils this week to collect their GCSE certificates. It was wonderful to see some familiar faces now thriving in their post 16 environments and fantastic to hear from them all about what new and exciting endeavours they have been up to!

Good News from Duke’s – 28th November 2024

Celebration of achievements – Jack Petchey 

We’ve been delighted to celebrate student success recently with our first round of Jack Petchey awards for the academic year 2024-25. Eray and Patricia in year 9 as well as Romina in year 11 were the well deserving recipients of the award this term.

Patirica was nominated for her fantastic work as a student librarian, Eray was nominated for the positive choices he has been making and Romina was nominated by the Food Technology department for her fantastic work in the subject.

We’re rightfully proud of all students for their outstanding contributions to our school community. These students (along with those students who are nominated in the Spring and Summer terms will get to attend the borough wide celebration in July 2025!























Year 10 Employability Programme 

Our fantastic first cohort or year 10 students who participated in the employability programme this term facilitated by Linklaters have finished their programme. Last week the students were able to visit the offices at Linklaters to celebrate the end of their work and present their ideas and learning. 

The students have been engaged in a 10 week programme around CV building and employability skills – a worthwhile endeavour for all involved.

Good News from Duke’s – 22nd November 2024

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button – Theatre Trip

This week a lucky group of year 9 and 10 students got to watch the new musical based on the Scott F Fitzgerald short story, ‘The Curious Case of Benjamin Button’ which was famously turned into a movie. The new production was fantastic and performed by a very talented group of actor musicians who spent their time on stage changing between playing instruments, singing and acting. The students loved the performance and it was a real treat to be out in the West End watching quality theatrical work. 


Godwin Lawson – Staying Safe Assemblies

This week the Godwin Lawson foundation has also been in school delivering powerful assemblies and workshops. Speaking from personal experience Yvonne Lawson presented the story of her son who was the tragic victim of knife crime when he was just 17 years old. The assemblies, led by his mother, Yvonne helped our young people to understand the dangers of knife crime and truly reflect on negative stereotypes. We are looking forward to a mentoring programme being set up with Godwin Lawson for some of our students.

Good News from Duke’s – 15th November 2024

A busy week as ever at Duke’s.

Our year 7 challenge mentoring group continued their weekly mentoring sessions at Linklaters this week alongside the Eastside Employability programme through which a group of year 10 students build their CVs and skills that relate to job applications. Both programmes have been giving students some amazing new experiences and lifelong skills.

Our science and maths departments have also been busy this week with STEM activities. The maths department arranged for a number of year 8 students to go to LAET for a maths bonanza event in recognition of Maths Week. The science department also engaged with STEM activities at City Airport and through a virtual seminar relating to all things engineering. All brilliantly exciting activities.

In school this week we have also been marking the 2024 ‘Anti Bullying Week’ with the theme this year being ‘Choose respect’. Students have been engaged in assemblies and activities in their tutor time relating to this vitally important theme.