Duke’s Aldridge Academy team heads to final of UK robotics competition

A team from Duke’s Aldridge Academy has been selected to compete in the UK finals of the Tomorrow’s Engineers EEP Robotics Challenge. As a winner in the London heat, they will go head to head with teams from across the country at The Big Bang Fair on Friday 16 March 2018.

The winning team of 13 students built, programmed and controlled LEGO robots for a series of ‘aviation missions’. Students also had to research, design and present their own solution to a contemporary engineering problem faced by STEM professionals in the aviation industry.

The Tomorrow’s Engineers EEP Robotics Challenge introduces student teams to real-world engineering, technology, robotics and computing challenges. The challenge aims to help students put their school learning into context and discover exciting new careers.

Team member Berat Topal said: ‘Robotics is a fantastic experience and is very educational’.

The students in the Roboducks team are Filip  SZWED, Jason  TRAN, Sulaiman  SURTI, Berat  TOPAL, Sil  DIRENC, Nasrudiin  MUHYADIN, Safwan  AHMAD, Norbert  BUMBAR,  Stellios  VACHOS,  Dawid  ANTCZAK,  Maxeen  BOX, Andrej  KARNEYENKA and Jun Jie  ZHOU.

Research from EngineeringUK, who run the Tomorrow’s Engineers EEP Robotics Challenge, shows that communicating engineering careers to young people is vital for the future of the British economy.

EngineeringUK’s Chief Executive, Mark Titterington, said: “In order to meet the country’s demand for engineers we need to inspire more young people to consider a career in the industry.

“Tomorrow’s Engineers EEP Robotics Challenge aims to help young people from all backgrounds understand the variety, excitement and opportunity presented by an engineering career.”

For more information on the Tomorrow’s Engineers EEP Robotics Challenge please visit www.tomorrowsengineers.org.uk/robotics


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