Good News from Duke’s – 20th September 2024

StageEd – Blood Brothers GCSE Drama Workshop 

On Wednesday 18th September our GCSE Drama students in both years 10 and 11 got to take part in a workshop on their set text – Blood Brothers. StageEd theatre came into Duke’s to deliver the fantastic workshops and all students gained valuable insight into the play and also the performing arts industry. 

Professional actors Steve and Mike delivered the workshops and have both previously performed in the play both in the West End and on tour.  A fantastic experience for all our GCSE Drama students. 


Year 11 Cambridge Trip

This week also a group of year 11 students took part in a trip to Cambridge university. The trip was a brilliant insight into university life and STEM education.  All students thoroughly enjoyed the visit. 


Haringey African Schools Partnership Symposium 

On Friday 20th September our strings leadership group attended the Haringey African Schools Partnership symposium at City university. The students were able to meet other schools from the local area along with watching presentations remotely from some of the schools we are partnered with in African countries. The event was hosted by Hope in Haringey a local charity which Duke’s is proud to have a number of links with.

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