Good News from Duke’s – 6th October 2023

This week Mia in Year 11 had the opportunity to meet the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan at the Tottenham Stadium.

She has written about her experience here:

“I met the mayor this Tuesday during the school day. 

I have been playing football with the spurs foundation for almost 4 years. I have participated in school tournaments funded by them and tournaments for their own team, and many other events. I was also able to complete my level 1 sports leaders course with them during the holidays. Whilst waiting for the mayor I was fortunately accompanied by the chief executive of the spurs foundation Mark Leckie, he was really nice and appreciated what I had to say about the foundation.

As well as that I was able to talk to a man who worked with the premier league. We were talking about the development of women’s/girls football and factors that may improve the popularity as well as what is holding it back. For example girls who are not brought up around parents who don’t play football or disagree with girls football can prevent the child from joining football clubs. I was explaining  how I was lucky enough to grow up with my aunts,uncles and grandparents who played football as a child and have always been a big influence for me and not many girls are lucky enough to have that support. 

Once the mayor arrived we took pictures and I spoke to him about how far my journey has been working with the spurs coaches and how the foundation has not only built my football skills but also my self confidence and the opportunities I have had e.g Nike recycling event and stadium tour. As he was in such a rush we had a quick conversation and took a few photos. It was a great experience.”