Home School Agreement

The Academy’s Service Pledge

  • Good teaching – we will provide your child with 5 properly prepared, well taught lessons each school day.
  • Homework – we will give your child homework in line with our homework policy (which you will receive a copy of).
  • Assessment and monitoring of student’s progress – we will regularly mark your child’s work and assess his/her progress.
  • Attendance – we will monitor your child’s punctuality and attendance and will inform you of any concerns.

We will provide your child with a welcoming and safe school environment and we will effectively support your child by:-

  • Dealing with bullying
  • Dealing with disruptive behaviour that may affect his/ her lessons.
  • Supporting him/ her to be fit, encouraging a healthy lifestyle.
  • Preparing him/ her for the world of work and economic well being.
  • Encouraging him/her to be a positively contributing citizen.


Being Safe

The school acknowledges its responsibility for the safety of its students. The school is proactive in ensuring that no person brings knives or other weapons into the school. To be able to reassure parents and students that people are safe whilst at school there is a policy of regular checks for knives etc administered by the school’s police officer using a hand held metal detector. Complying with such checks is a requirement of being a student at Duke’s Aldridge Academy.


The Parent’s Pledge

  • In addition to taking a general active interest in my child’s learning I/we will endeavour to ensure that:-
  • My child attends school regularly, punctually, properly prepared and ready to learn.
  • I will always contact the school to inform them if my child has to be absent.
  • My child attends school properly dressed in accordance with the school’s uniform policy.
  • I will monitor my child’s work by checking and signing their school diary for the completion of homework and attempting to provide a quiet and comfortable place at home for my child to study.
  • I will attend all consultation meetings about progress that I am invited to.


The Student’s Pledge

I will:-

  • Attend school every day and be punctual for the start of the day and lessons.
  • Be responsible for ensuring that I am properly equipped for all lessons.
  • Wear school uniform correctly.
  • Complete homework and hand it in on time.
  • Behave in a respectful and cooperative way.
  • Understand the right of students in my classes to learn without me disrupting the lesson and I will not attempt to do so.
  • I will behave safely so as not to endanger myself or others or damage or deface property or the school building or grounds.