Severe Weather Condition Arrangements

Please note that if we do have severe weather, we will follow the procedure laid out below:

We shall reorganise the school day for a 1.15pm or 2.30pm dismissal. This will allow all students and staff extra time to get home in daylight, even if transport is disrupted. You will be notified that there will be an early closure via text messaging or phone call.

I am, therefore, asking you to make arrangements for your son/daughter to follow, in the event of an unexpected weather emergency so that he/she can go to a safe place after a 1.15pm or 2.30pm dismissal.

If I make the decision not to open the school because of severe weather conditions, a text message will be sent to your mobile phone at 6.30am and the website will also be updated at the same time. Furthermore, a message will be recorded on the school’s answer phone.

Please rest assured that I will use these arrangements sparingly.

It is very important that the school office has your current mobile number, so you are kept up to date with announcements.  Please do not accept phone calls from your children about the school being closed, without a message from the school!

Thanking you in anticipation of your support

Ms Duncan