We all use technology in our everyday lives and it is vital that we are able to use it safely. In the event that we feel unsafe about something, we need to know what to do.
Through assembly and tutorials you will discuss the potential issues, hazards and precautions you can take when spending time in online environments such as chat rooms, online gaming worlds, IM, online shopping, email, SMS and social networking sites.
The academy has an acceptable use policy (AUP) that endeavours to ensure maximum online safety whilst we are in the academy environment by educating all of our community and preventing access to non-educational sites.
Using the internet
- Don’t give out your details on line. This includes your username, email, telephone number, pictures, where you live etc.
- Anything you give out usually stays on the internet for a long time and can’t be deleted, this is particularly important with pictures & videos.
- Keep your anti-virus software up to date (nag your parents / carers! – You can usually buy it cheap from Ebay)
- Make sure you keep your settings to private (e.g. Facebook).
- People can easily lie and pretend to be someone they are not, don’t do and say things that you wouldn’t do offline in real life – it could get you into trouble.
- Don’t meet up with strangers you meet online without an adult you can trust.
Emails / messages
- Don’t open emails or messages from people you don’t know.
- If something is too good to be true, it usually is and is best ignored.
- Spam / junk mail usually contain tricks and lies, and often try to trick you into clicking on links.
- Don’t open attachements in emails from people you don’t know. They could contain viruses that could destroy your hard drive or install software that watches everything you do (spyware) including your passwords.
- Spyware watches for usernames, passwords, bank login details and more. The attachements could be images or movies for adults, not usually a good thing.
Getting help
- The Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) website has loads more information about e-safety.
- If something happens that you don’t like or makes you feel uncomfortable – tell someone – it’s never too late.
- There are people who can help. You can speak to your parents, teacher / tutor or make an official report to the police via CEOP about sexual abuse
Want to know more?
Parents: https://www.ceopeducation.co.uk/parents/
Young People: https://www.ceopeducation.co.uk/
Teachers: https://www.ceopeducation.co.uk/professionals/
CEOP: http://www.ceop.gov.uk
NSPCC Keeping Children Safe Online: https://www.nspcc.org.uk/
UK Safer Internet Centre: https://www.saferinternet.org.